Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Pi Day!

Could this be the last of it? (The white stuff) Probably not. This is, after all, Minnesota. Remember last year?

We spent the day with some friends thinking spring thoughts, planning a giant kid powered garden, and starting some seeds in some fun new buckets. Every kid got a bucket, even the babies, so with my kids and my friend's 8 kids, that makes 15 buckets of dirt on my table, and then on my counter. I'm making definite progress in my OCD therapy...
Some of you, dear blog readers, live in sunnier, warmer climates, and are already turning on your air conditioners, and you're already growing things with long growing seasons, like sweet potatoes. Please, don't take it personally when I don't comment on your blogs, with your pictures of things like daffodils, unless maybe they're from Pro Flowers, or made out of plastic or porcelain. It's just that we still have to wear coats like this-

And 'get to' roll things like this-

They say the warm air is moving in this weekend, so it looks like we'll be moving into mud season around here. That's always fun. Pollyanna would tell me to look at the bright side- and that would be that our carpet is old and brown, so, no biggie, and the tile and the wood like stuff? They're washable, so it's all good.

Hive baby keeps spreading new hives. It looked like it might've been clearing up on Wednesday, so I didn't start the steroid, just kept dosing with Benedryl. Things still seemed to be improving on Thursday morning, though by that night things were looking mighty uncomfortable for him again, but I had just given a dose of Benedryl, so I waited until Friday morning to start the steroid, as they told me not to give both at once. By that time his arms and legs were covered in hives, swollen, and purplish again. This has been very perplexing. Within a couple hours of starting the steroid things were almost clear, only to flare back up quite a bit in the evening. The doc wants him on it for 4 days, so here's hoping and praying that it's enough, and that whatever he's reacting to will clear his little system, and we can be done with all of this...

In other randomness, we were playing Apples to Apples last night, and the green card (adjective) was 'Quiet', my friend, Traci, read the first red card (noun), which was 'creamed corn' and my 4 year old queen of random wit declared "I was afraid you were going to say that!" (What?!)

Enjoy your weekend,
happy knitting-
*oh, and for those of who appreciate things like pi, this is fun... how many places can you remember?


Blogger km said...

I do live in one of those sunny places. I haven't posted any photos lately, but our tomato plants from last year just haven't stopped. Sure it's not a crazy summer boon, but I didn't expect to see red out in the 'I never water in the winter' garden. kids have NEVER seen snow. Sure there's snow we could drive to, but then we'd have to shell out money for clothes for one day. I'm sure there are some I could borrow from friends at church, but not enough for all the kids in every size as well as the hubby and I.

Just a random note, but I had an allergic reaction to something -hives all over the place- and then kept taking just one more dose of benedryl. I finally discovered that I'm allergic to benedryl. I hope you find something for that cute little one. Hives are so itchy.

3/14/2009 11:16 AM  
Blogger Turtle said...

i live in an area that weather wise never makes any sense. It has been in the low 20's at night. Until 2 days ago i had crocus and primrose blooming in the front yard and snow in the backyard. Today and for the next week they say flooding rain, 30-40 degrees with 20 mph winds. Bitter bone chilling damp cold. It makes no sense, so we bundle up and try to sit in any sunny spots that may appear, while pretending to go through the motions pf prepping gardens and planting seed inside. I guess this is normal for WA though. Makes me miss HI just a wee smidgen bit!

3/14/2009 7:58 PM  
Blogger stitching under oaks said...

oh...gosh. I was hoping those hives were gone. The seeds in the buckets look like lots of fun. And I love the winter coat your daughter is wearing! I'm sure though, that you are more than ready to put it away til next year. Here's hoping your week gets warmer temperatures.

3/15/2009 6:48 PM  
Blogger a friend to knit with said...

i can NOT believe all that snow. yep. those muddy days are F U N! living in that stage right now.
i sure hope the hives are gone. :( poor baby!

(cute apples to apples story. that is our family favorite)

3/16/2009 8:28 PM  
Blogger Traci said...

i am STILL chuckling to myself about that game moment! i have a feeling that will be a recurring phrase for awhile...
as far as the snow, i WAS loving it. but i am sooooooo much more LOVING this thaw and sunshine! i've already started opening windows and cleaning things out. ahhhhh, it feels so good!

3/17/2009 11:46 AM  

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