Silk Shrug- Ruffle Sts All Picked Up!
Well, I got to the second sleeve seam, ends weaved in and all. It's starting to take shape...
It took me a while to get those ruffle sts picked up (it's pretty close to 2 sts per every 3 rows) as I kept losing count! It would be a good idea to put some markers in along the way so you don't have to keep starting over at 1, like I did far too many times... ugh... but eventually I did end up with 300 sts and I was ready to roll.
So glad to see you are getting some new photos up! I will be interested in seeing the finished ruffles. I am finishing up a very workmanlike felted purse and then I plan to cast on a pretty mohair shawl for my DD's First Communion in April (sniff . . .)
It's looking loverly. Can't wait to get that thing out on the road. Yay! Ok, enough blogging! *CRACK* Get back to work! ;)
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